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City Puzzle Trail 🇬🇧 | From 2 persons

50,00per team

Explore the city center with the CityAppGames app! Follow two exciting routes, use the map, and solve photo challenges. Discover hidden secrets and capture unique photos!



Vul je spellocatie in en kies het aantal teams waarin je het wilt spelen. Max. 5 personen per team!
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  • After ordering this City Game, you will receive the game instructions and login code by email within 15 minutes.
  • The login code is valid until your chosen preferred date.
  • Gather your colleagues/friends/family.
  • Choose a time completely to your liking. 9:00 in the morning or 10:00 PM in the evening? Everything is possible.
  • Ready to play? Download the CityAppGames app, log in, and start the game! As soon as you log in to the app, the game starts immediately!
  • You play the game in teams of 2-5 people. Make sure there is at least one smartphone per team with a working internet connection.

You play this app outing entirely on your own. Enjoy that freedom!

Let’s Have Some Fun!

  • What does the City Puzzle Tour entail?
    Discover the city center in an adventurous way with the CityAppGames app! Explore two surprising routes using the city map and directions to find your way. Be amazed by what you see and solve the mysterious photo challenges while having fun!
  • How long does the City Game last?
    The City Game lasts approximately 2 hours.
  • Where can I find the CityAppGames app?
    You can find the CityAppGames app on both the Google Play Store and the App Store.
  • How difficult is this City Game?
    The City Game is easy for everyone to play. However, we advise players under 12 years old to play this game together with an adult, but of course, it’s entirely up to you!
  • Do I need to create the teams or will you do it?
    You may create the team composition yourself. You play it in teams of 2-5 people.
  • How many phones do you need?
    You need at least 1 mobile phone per team. You don’t need to print anything for this game (environmentally friendly!), making all tasks digital. It can be useful to create a group chat with your team so you can share things with each other.
  • Can we take a break or have a drink during the game?
    It’s recommended not to do so during the game. The time for all tasks runs automatically, so taking a break may cause you to miss hints, tasks, or puzzles. However, you can bring a bag with drinks and snacks to enjoy during breaks between playing.
  • Is there a guide present on the day?
    No, there won’t be a guide present. Our app will guide you through the game. Prefer a guide on the day? Feel free to ask our colleagues at Uitjes en Eten!

Is your question not listed? Take a look at “Frequently Asked Questions”.

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