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The Murder Game 🇬🇧 | From 2 players

50,00per team

Fancy a day out? Play this surprising interactive app game in a city or neighborhood near you. Wander through the streets and unravel the mystery. Who committed the murder? What was the motive and with what was the person killed? Various questions, photo, video, and puzzle tasks will bring you closer and closer to the murderer. Which team finds the most answers and will be the best private detectives?

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Vul je spellocatie in en kies het aantal teams waarin je het wilt spelen. Max. 5 personen per team!

  • Right after your payment you will recieve all the information you need to play the game. Within the order conformation you will recieve the login details + the QR code to login easily.
  • On the checkout-page you choose your date of choice. You can now play the game before or on the day of your choice. Something happend and you like to change the date? No problem, contact the cityappgames-Team at the latest three days before your original date of choice. We can change your login files and will send you a new code. You like to play earlier then your date of choice? That’s not a problem. You can easily login and play the game.
  • Important: Dont scan the QR code or open the App with your login information before you like to play the game. When you login, the game automaticly starts and there is no way back. So only start the game when you are ready to go!
  • Play the game in jouw own block, town or city! Choose your startlocation wisely. You need to be in a build-up area and a minimum distance of 250 meters away from the water, ocean, forest, beach etc. Otherwise it sometimes happens that a random location will be in the water.
  • You can choose to play the game on any time of the day. Wheter it is 9 am or 11 pm, it is your choice.
  • Ready to play? Download our cityappgames.nl app, login and play the game!
  • You can choose to play in a team based on 2 to 5 people. Make sure there is one smartphone a team with working internet.

Smile, enjoy and let’s have some Fun!

  • What is an App group game?
    An App group game is an interactive event you play in your own town, city of neighborhood with our special design cityappgames.nl App. You can download our app for free in all appstores. To play this App group game you have to walk with your friends, family or colleagues to the pointed area’s shown in the map in the App. Every pointed area contains different assingments like: photo- and videochallenges, riddles, puzzle’s and more. You play an App group game in teams of 2 to 5 persons with 1 mobile phone a team.
  • For how long can you play an App group game?
    Most of our App group games has a playtime of 1,5 tot 2 hours.
  • Where can i find the “CityAppGames” App?
    You can download the App for free in the Google Play store or App store.
  • Is this game safe for kids?
    Yes, but we say it is safe from the age of 12.. Some people play this game with kids below 12 years old. It is a hard decision to make for us, but if you think your kid(s) are old enough to play you can play the game with them!
  • Do we have to make the teams?
    Yes, to play the game you have to make the teams. You can choose to play the game as one team of play agains eachother, that will add a little bit of competition!
  • How many mobile phones do you need?
    You only need 1 mobile phone a team. You will recieve all the information digital, so you don’t have to print anything. It is possible that your battery will go down faster then normal. In that case another mobile phone or a powerbank can help you out. When you login into the app, you have to create a teamname and password. In worst case scenario: your phone dies, you can login with all the information and your password you created at the start on another mobile phone.
  • Is it possible to have a drink or take a break while playing the game?
    For the better of this game we advise you not to do that. Because there will be a timer running troughout the whole game. When you settle in to take a break the game will continue and you will miss a lot of information and can’t finisch the game.
  • Is there a cityappgames Guide on location the day we play?
    No, there is no event guide of cityappgames.nl on your location. You can always call of text us if you have any questions. Do you like this game, but like to have a remote event guide to help your group? You can choose to contact our colleagues of Uitjes en Eten! to help you out with that question!

Do you have another question? Please look at our FAQ: “Vraag & Antwoord”.

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